Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Im Jahr 2022 wurden folgende Artikel von Mitarbeitenden von Tox Info Suisse veröffentlicht:

Suicide attempts by poisoning in adolescents and young adults in Switzerland before and after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic [abstract].
Degrandi C, Faber K.
Clin Toxicol 2022; 60 (suppl. 1): 98. 

Suicide attempts by overdose of paracetamol and ibuprofen in adolescents and young adults in Switzerland before and after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic [abstract].
Faber K. Degrandi C.
Clin Toxicol 2022; 60 (suppl. 1): 98. 

Exotic venomous snakebites in Switzerland reported to the National Poisons Information Centre over 22 years.
Fuchs J, Gessner T, Kupferschmidt H, Weiler S.
Swiss Med Wkly 2022; 152: w30117.

Possible envenomation by a sting by Pleurodeles waltl (Iberian Ribbed Newt) resulting in mild symp-toms.
Fuchs J, Hvozdara L, Weiler S.
Clin Toxicol 2022; 60: 137-39.

Characteristics of poisonings in infants up to three months of age: comparison of two ten-year time periods [abstract].
Gessler M, Hofer KE, Reichert C.
Clin Toxicol 2022; 60 (suppl. 1): 47-48.

Scombroid poisoning with sudden cardiac arrhythmia: an unusual case report [abstract].
Gessler M, Acerbis E, de Perna ML, Weiler S.
Prim Hosp Care 2022; 22 (Suppl. 12): 87-88.

Exacerbation of familial intrahepatic cholestasis in conjunction with COVID-19 vaccination.
Guri Y, Vosbeck J, Dickenmann M, Jetter A, Bernsmeier Ch.
J Hepatol 2022; 77: 872-74.

Effect of the first wave of COVID-19 on Poison Control Centre activities in 21 European countries: an EAPCCT initiative.
Hondebrink L, Zammit M, Høgberg LCG, Hermanns-Clausen M, Lonati D, Faber K.
Clin Toxicol 2022; 60: 1145-55.

Opioid sales and opioid-related poisonings in Switzerland: A descriptive population-based time-series analysis.
Hooijman MF, Martinez-De la Torre A, Weiler S, Burden AM.
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 2022; 20: 100437.

Pilzvergiftungen 2021.
Krueger B, Zoller B.
SZP - Schweiz Zeitschr Pilzkd 2022; 100: 26-29.

Acute toxicity profile of oxybutynin in overdose or accidental exposure: a consecutive case series [abstract].
Martin NC, Hofer KE, Reichert C.
Clin Toxicol 2022; 60 (suppl. 1): 83-84.

Schwere Systemreaktion nach einheimischem Schlangenbiss.
Ostini A, Schneider C, Reichmuth Ph, Schiesser F, Martin NC, Weiler S, Fuchs J, Brodmann Maeder M.
Schweiz Med Forum 2022; 22(00)

Ramipril - how toxic is it? [abstract].
Prasa D, Trompelt J, Groß S, Vagt A, Heier EC, Klumb W, Stedtler U, Färber E, Reichert C, Zatloukal C, Genser D, Gollmann M.
Clin Toxicol 2022; 60 (suppl. 1): 86-87.

Vergiftungen in der Schweiz.
Zur Beratungstätigkeit 2020 von Tox Info Suisse.
Reichert C, Degrandi C, Hofer KE.
Schweiz Aerzteztg 2022; 103: 510-14.

Amygdalin («Vitamin B17») – weder Vitamin noch Onkologikum.
Weiler S, Hofer KE.
Schweiz Med Forum 2022; 22: 59.

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